Hair Quality Improvement Color Nagoya|Hot Pepper Highly Rated & Insta-Topic Beauty Salon

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Meieki Nishiki Building 1F, 3 chome-20-20, Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
[business hours] Wednesdays-Saturdays 10:00-20:00 / Sundays and Holidays 10:00-18:00
[Closed] Mondays, Tuesdays and New year holiday season

Hair quality improvement color Nagoya | Hot Pepper highly rated & Instagram popular beauty salon

Hair Quality Improvement Color Nagoya|Hot Pepper Highly Rated & Insta-Topic Beauty Salon


We'd like to introduce you to a beauty salon that has received high ratings on Hot Pepper and is also attracting attention on Instagram, and is the perfect option for those looking for hair coloring to improve their hair quality in the Nagoya area.

Although everyone has different hair concerns, everyone shares the desire to maintain the health of their hair while enjoying coloring. Demand for hair quality improving coloring is increasing, especially in the Nagoya area, and many salons are offering this service.

In fact, many people have concerns such as "I'm worried about the damage to my hair after coloring," or "I want to enjoy coloring, but I also want to take care of my hair's health." For such people, hair quality improving color is the ideal solution.

What is hair quality improving color?

Hair Repair Colour is an innovative treatment that combines traditional colouring techniques with ingredients that repair the inner structure of your hair, making it the ideal option for those suffering from damaged hair, allowing them to enjoy colour and improve the health of their hair at the same time.

With regular coloring, the cuticle needs to be opened in order to allow the dye to settle inside the hair. This process generally causes damage to the internal structure of the hair. However, with hair quality improvement coloring, this damage is minimized while at the same time penetrating special ingredients that replenish protein and moisture into the inside of the hair.

For example, typical hair quality improving dyes contain substances similar to the components that make up hair, such as keratin, collagen, and amino acids. When these substances penetrate into the hair, they simultaneously repair the damage caused by coloring.

Hair quality improvement color is a revolutionary treatment method that not only changes the color of your hair, but also improves the texture and feel of your hair while achieving beautiful color.

What types of hair treatments are there?

There are several types of hair quality improvement treatments, each with different treatment methods and ingredients used, and each addresses different hair concerns. With so many options, it's important to find the treatment that's best suited to your hair type and concerns.

Acid heat treatments combine acidic agents with heat to reconstruct the protein bonds in hair, making them effective against frizz and wavy hair. These treatments work directly on the inner structure of the hair, giving them long-lasting results. Keratin treatments, on the other hand, repair damage by replenishing keratin, the main component of hair, restoring strength and elasticity.

Hydrogen treatment is a relatively new technology that removes active oxygen and repairs oxidative damage to hair. It is also effective in preventing hair color from fading, so it is said to be a good match for coloring. Protein treatment also replenishes protein that is lacking in hair, strengthening it from the inside.

For example, keratin treatment, which has a highly repairing effect, is often suitable for hair that has been severely damaged by bleaching, while acid heat treatment is often recommended for those wishing to improve their curly hair.

Hair quality improvement treatments are not just care products, but specialist procedures that work on the inner structure of your hair, and choosing the right type will give you the best results.

What's different from normal colors?

Hair quality improving coloring is different from regular coloring in that it achieves beautiful coloring while minimizing the burden on the hair. This difference is reflected in the composition of the ingredients used and the treatment process.

Regular hair dyes contain highly alkaline ingredients that open up the hair cuticle to allow the dye to penetrate. This process damages the hair's internal structure (cortex), leading to dryness and loss of shine. On the other hand, hair quality improvement colors use a formula with low alkalinity to minimize damage to the cuticle.

Hair quality improving colors contain a rich blend of repair ingredients such as amino acids, keratin, and hyaluronic acid, which repair the hair at the same time as coloring. With regular coloring, these repairs are done separately as an after-treatment, or in some cases may be omitted.

For example, data shows that after regular coloring, hair loses about 20% of its moisture content, but hair quality improving color has a high moisture retention rate, allowing hair to maintain a moisturized texture even after treatment.

Hair enhancing colour is a more compassionate treatment than standard colouring, making it an ideal option for those who want to enjoy colour while improving the health of their hair.

What is the average price for hair quality improvement treatments in the Nagoya area?

The average price for hair quality improvement treatments in the Nagoya area varies depending on the treatment and the location of the beauty salon, so there are options to suit your budget and wishes. Understanding the basic price range can help you choose the right salon.

The average price for a hair quality improvement treatment alone is around 8,000 to 15,000 yen for short hair, and 12,000 to 20,000 yen for medium to long hair. For a treatment that includes coloring, the average price is 15,000 to 25,000 yen for short hair, and 20,000 to 35,000 yen for medium to long hair.

Factors that cause price differences include the brand and quality of the medicine used, treatment time, location of the salon, etc. For example, salons in central areas such as Sakae and Nagoya Station tend to have slightly higher prices than those in the suburbs.

For more specialized hair quality improvement menus, such as acid heat treatments and keratin treatments, the price can range from around 30,000 yen with no upper limit. The treatment usually takes about 2 to 4 hours, and the effects generally last for 1 to 3 months.

Many salons in the Nagoya area offer hair quality improvement treatments that are good value for the price, and you can make the most of first-time-only coupons and set discounts to make your experience more economical.

Three reasons to choose COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY

There are many hair salons in the Nagoya area that offer hair quality improvement color services, but the reason why COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY continues to be chosen by many customers is because of its unique strengths. It goes beyond simply providing the necessary techniques, and has earned a high reputation for its personalized service.

At COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY, we do not simply treat hair quality improvement as a menu item, but as a guidepost to solving the roots of our customers' hair problems. For this reason, we strive to provide a consistent service from the initial consultation to treatment and aftercare, building relationships of trust with our customers.

In fact, many repeat customers and reviews on social media say things like, "My hair problems that couldn't be solved at other salons have been resolved," and "I feel like my hair condition has improved in the long term." These comments attest to the salon's sincere efforts to improve hair quality.

COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY is a popular salon in Nagoya that has earned the trust of those looking for hair coloring to improve the quality of their hair, thanks to both its technical expertise and hospitality.

1. Hair quality improvement tailored to each individual's hair type

At COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY, we analyze the quality and condition of our customers' hair in detail and provide an optimized hair improvement plan for each customer. Rather than a standardized, manualized treatment, our customized approach to match the characteristics of each individual's hair produces excellent results.

Before the treatment, the salon uses specialized equipment to measure the moisture content, elasticity, and degree of damage of the hair, and performs a scientifically based hair quality diagnosis. Based on the results of this diagnosis, the type and concentration of chemicals used, the time left on, etc. are adjusted to provide the best hair quality improvement color for each individual's hair type. For example, the treatment may be different depending on the area, such as increasing the concentration of repair ingredients in areas that are severely damaged by bleaching.

Our treatment plans take into consideration a wide range of factors, from innate characteristics such as hair thickness, density, and growth pattern to coloring history and daily care habits, resulting in a high level of satisfaction that cannot be obtained at ordinary salons.

COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY's hair improvement service is not a one-size-fits-all treatment, but rather a custom-made hair improvement program that respects the individuality of each customer's hair.

2. Experience serving customers of various nationalities

COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY is an international hair salon in Nagoya with ample experience serving customers of various nationalities. This characteristic has led to a deep understanding of different hair types and beauty cultures, and the ability to respond flexibly.

Providing services to foreign customers, whose hair characteristics differ from those of Japanese people, requires unique know-how. For example, we have cultivated the technical capabilities to handle a variety of hair types, such as the thin and soft hair common to Westerners, the strong curls of African people, and the thickness and hardness of Asian hair that varies depending on the country and region. This experience is also utilized in providing detailed services to Japanese customers with a variety of hair types.

We also focus on language communication, and have staff who can provide counseling in not only English, but also basic Chinese and Korean. Counseling sheets are also available in multiple languages, creating an environment where you can communicate your wishes without feeling a language barrier.

This internationality is also a big attraction for domestic customers. Our techniques quickly incorporate overseas trends and our approach to improving hair quality from a global perspective are strengths that other salons do not have.

COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY's multicultural responsiveness has given it the technical skills and flexibility to address the concerns of all hair types, and is the reason it is supported by a wide range of customers.

3. We offer aftercare suggestions to keep your hair beautiful for a long time.

COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY does not just provide treatment at the salon, but also places emphasis on proposing comprehensive aftercare so that customers can maintain the beauty of their hair in their daily lives. This ongoing support system enhances the sustainability of the hair quality improvement effects and has attracted many repeat customers.

After the treatment, the salon will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your hair at home, tailored to each individual's hair type and lifestyle. They will provide specific advice on basic care points that are surprisingly often overlooked, such as the amount of shampoo to use, how to lather, and the correct way to towel dry, as well as how to use a hair dryer and how to brush your hair. This will help you keep your hair in good condition even after you leave the salon.

We also introduce the best home care products for your hair type and the season. However, we do not oversell our customers and stick to our style of suggesting options based on their wishes and budget. For example, if you have a limited budget, we may introduce the best products from the market.

We also explain the importance of regular maintenance, giving advice on when to come next and what to look out for in the meantime. We share with our customers the idea that improving hair quality is not something that can be completed with a single treatment, but rather that continuous care is important.

COCKNEY HAIR & BEAUTY's aftercare suggestions are true hair quality improvement support that guides customers to take the initiative in maintaining the health of their hair.

